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Bab 5. Variable Modifiers

Variable modifiers can be applied to variables, custom functions or strings. To apply a modifier, specify the value followed by a | (pipe) and the modifier name. A modifier may accept additional parameters that affect its behavior. These parameters follow the modifer name and are separated by a : (colon). Also, all php-functions can be used as modifiers implicitly (more below) and modifiers can be combined. .

Teladan 5-1. Modifier examples

{* apply modifier to a variable *}

{* modifier with parameters *}

{* apply modifier to a function parameter *}
{html_table loop=$myvar|upper}

{* with parameters *}
{html_table loop=$myvar|truncate:40:'...'}

{* apply modifier to literal string *}

{* using date_format to format the current date *}

{* apply modifier to a custom function *}
{mailto|upper address=''}

{* using  php's str_repeat *}

{* php's count *}

{* php's shuffle on servers's ip *}

(* this will uppercase and truncate the whole array *}
<select name="name_id">
{html_options output=$myArray|upper|truncate:20}

  • If you apply a modifier to an array variable instead of a single value variable, the modifier will be applied to every value in that array. If you really want the modifier to work on an entire array as a value, you must prepend the modifier name with a @ symbol.

    Example: {$articleTitle|@count} - will print out the number of elements in the $articleTitle array using the php count() function as a modifier.

  • Modifiers are autoloaded from the $plugins_dir or can be registered explicitly with the register_modifier() function. The later is useful for sharing a function between php scripts and smarty templates.

  • All php-functions can be used as modifiers implicitly, as demonstrated in the example above. However, using php-functions as modifiers has two little pitfalls:

    • First - sometimes the order of the function-parameters is not the desirable one. Formatting $foo with {"%2.f"|sprintf:$foo} actually works, but asks for the more intuitive, like {$foo|string_format:"%2.f"} that is provided by the Smarty distribution.

    • Secondly - if $security is enabled, all php-functions that are to be used as modifiers have to be declared trusted in the MODIFIER_FUNCS element of the $security_settings array.

See also register_modifier(), combining modifiers. and extending smarty with plugins


Ini dipakai untuk membesarkan huruf pertama dari seluruh kata dalam variable. Mirip dengan fungsi PHP ucfirst().

Posisi ParameterTipeDiperlukanDefaultDeskripsi
1booleanTidakFALSEIni menentukan apakah kata dengan digit akan dibesarkan atau tidak

Teladan 5-2. capitalize

assign(\'articleTitle\', \'next x-men film, x3, delayed.\'); ?>'); ?>

Di mana template adalah:


Akan memperlihatkan:

next x-men film, x3, delayed.
Next X-Men Film, x3, Delayed.
Next X-Men Film, X3, Delayed.

Lihat juga lower dan upper

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